Low Iron Glass Suppliers in Australia
Low Iron Glass & its Applications Low iron glass is manufactured with a float method but is described by a considerably lesser iron oxides substance than a normal clear glass. This structure permits for a higher light transmission and lowers the green tint. It can be made in large quantities and even in a wide range of thicknesses and can be subjected to the same treatments and techniques as any other floating product — for example, it can be soft and laminated, frozen and ground. The important attributes of low-iron glass: ultimate transparency high transmission neutral edges Light float is higher than clear float glass, especially at high thickness (low iron glass increases light scattering by 3-4%, reaching 7-8% with thickness above 8 mm) upgraded glass feel and splendor it considers an ideal shading compensation when seen through the glass surface additionally, accessible in 15- and 19-mm thickness These highlights permit additionally for a more prominen...